Lockdown Update – 11 July 2021

  • Country remains on adjusted ALERT LEVEL 4
  • Restrictions in place for 14 days.
  • Schools to remain closed until 26 July 2021.
  • Restaurants to open with not more than 50 occupants or 50% occupancy for small restaurants.
  • All gatherings prohibited. These include political, cultural, social, religious gatherings.
  • Funerals and cremations permitted but attendance at 50 max. Night vigils, after tears not allowed.
  • Beaches and parks remain open.
  • Curfew 9pm to 4am.
  • Non essential establishments closed by 8pm.
  • Certain venues such as gyms, fitness centers may open as well as agricultural livestock and game auctions, subject to regulation restrictions.
  • Sale of alcohol completely banned – both on site and for at home. Prohibition will ease the pressure on hospitals.
  • Those over 35 are encouraged to pre-register for vaccinations, with 1 Aug being the vaccination commencement date.
  • If your business license expired in the past year, you will not be penalised until the end of 2022.
  • UIF TERS scheme will be extended for industries affected by lockdown.
  • Travel in and out of Gauteng for leisure purposes is prohibited. Does not include for work or for transport of goods. If you are not at your home you will be allowed to return home.
  • All employers must allow their staff to work from home where possible.
  • The owners and managers of public buildings, centres, shops, restaurants, taxis and buses all have a responsibility to ensure that people on their premises or in their vehicles wear masks.
  • The previous violence was condemned with the warning that those involved in violence will be arrested and prosecuted.

For more information on COVID-19 and government regulation: Click here

Emergency Hotline: 0800 029 999 WhatsApp Support Line: 0600-123456