We have created two main ways of communication for our group.
- is the 10 Westville protest info groups
- is Zello
Due to the massive influx of messages, we are needing to implement some controls to ensure that groups remain useful primarily to responders in their attempts to keep the community safe.
Please can communication be as per the below :
- In morning time only before 10 AM – requests about shops opening ONLY. If a shop closed unexpectedly we will post confirmation.
- NO FOOD CHATTER AFTER THIS – use alternative groups
- When sending out information please verify first. Patrollers are short of petrol and resources and we need to ensure they don’t spend energy, petrol and trust in the information we are trying to share with them.
- When reporting incidents, please try include the following : location, time, who you are, a clear description of the incident and where possible, a picture.
- Do not send any political, racial, religious info out. We are an info group for a beautiful multiracial, cultural, religious, people with different political views. The groups are dedicated to keeping the community safe and these tend to raise emotions, scare people and create distractions from the issues being responded to.
- In the afternoon we will try set up volunteers for the evening, and in the evening or morning for the day. There are schedule sheets available – please put claim your spots of preference, but be aware that we may need you to move to other areas if they are short of people.
- If you are not able to attend your shift, please notify the group / admins. Please don’t simply not show.
- We will ask for help at certain spots.
- Some areas tend to be overcrowded and we need to ensure all areas are evenly covered.
- No sharing of protection actions, group movements or anything that might compromise the strategy and security of our patrol/volunteer groups on any media at any time.
- Zello – we want to use this for accurate info, problems only. – NO SPAM OR ONE TO ONE CHAT, please do not test the mic, YES it works – send a message to be certain.
- Please can we use this a following,
- Information only about the entrance points – No personal chip chat no spam.
- The idea is to use as a radio as police radio – White Nissan double cab, reg NP 0000 – is coming at Helipad going towards Westville mall please confirm arrived thank you: Westville mall white Nissan double cab arrived.